Let’s get together on this Mini Retreat designed to help you create your Sankalpa (Heartfelt Intention), destress, slow down, and forge meaningful connections.


In the context of yoga philosophy, a Sankalpa is a positive statement or affirmation that reflects your highest purpose or goal in life. It is NOT about manifesting things out of a hat, and it goes beyond mere wishes or desires; instead, it represents a firm and unwavering determination. Sankalpa is believed to be a powerful tool for transformation and self-growth, as it aligns your actions and thoughts with your core values and aspirations.


Because let’s be honest, New Year’s resolutions are a dead end for most people.

In fact, if you’re like most (75% according to studies), then chances are that you probably gave up on them sometime in February, maybe even sooner. Right?

Have you wondered why though? Why is it that we can’t seem to take action on the things we truly want?

Every year, we make resolutions solely out of “tradition.”

And while these resolutions are well-meaning, they are more like “wishful thinking.”

“I want to lose weight this year.”
“I want to travel more this year.”
“I want to make more money this year.”
“I want to start a business this year.”

We call these superficial intentions. Meaning, “what you think you want,” or what society says you should want.

These are certainly great things to ask for, but they’re missing three important ingredients:

The “why, what, and how.”

This is where resolutions fail.

When we want to bring change into our lives, we need to create a plan, or a series of “action steps” on how we’re going to actually get there.
These action steps are called goals, (how).

But, before we can set goals, we first need to create a vision (what).

And before we can create a vision, we must set an intention. (why).

Your intention is your “why,” your “heart-felt desire” that comes directly from your highest “truest” being. The very core reason why you are asking for these things. This is your Sankalpa.

Now, in order to access your truest, highest being, you must first be in alignment. When you’re in alignment:

Your mind tends to be clear so there is little resistance from your “rational” mind. In other words, that little voice telling you “you can’t” or “you’re not enough,” etc…tends to be quiet around this time.

Your subconscious is highly receptive to your suggestions.

This is where yoga, meditation, and journaling come in…

These powerful tools help clear the pathway that brings you to that state of “alignment.”

On this "mindful meetup" you will use the power of movement, nature, journaling, and yoga Nidra to delve deep within yourself, unearth your Sankalpa, and set the course for something meaningful in your life (health, stability, connection, abundance, etc.)


We will start with a physical yoga practice and breathwork designed to center ourselves, relieve stagnation and get our “creative juices” flowing.

We will then do our intro circle to discuss the workshop and introduce ourselves.

You’ll then be guided through a mindful journaling session where you’ll not only create your Sankalpa, but you’ll also create actionable goals to help give birth to the seed (Sankalpa) you just planted.

You’ll finish with a full Yoga Nidra meditation to “plant” your Sankalpa into your subconscious (this is where the magic happens).

Stay for snacks and a non-alcoholic drink (warm or cold depending on weather).


Our workshops are held outdoors on our private yoga deck or grass. The space is comfortably nestled between lush trees and grassy lawns, creating a Forest Therapy experience by spending time outdoors and connecting with nature.

Clean mats are provided but you’re welcome to bring your own. 

WHEN:  Saturday, May 4, 2024 (9:30  AM- 12:00 PM)

WHERE: Out on the Lawn @ Yoga On The Meadow, 29 Meadow Crest Road, Tryon, NC.

WHAT TO BRING: Journal and pen, water, sunscreen, bug repellent. 

INVESTMENT: This is “Pay What You Can” Suggestion: $1 – $50. 

** Pre-Registration is required.