And that’s my boy Rocky on the left.

I tried yoga for the first time back when I was in high school. I had just moved to the US from the Dominican Republic and was going through a lot of changes at the time – new school, new friends, new language, new weather. New everything! Life was overwhelming, and being the shy person in the room certainly didn’t make things easier. The anxiety and stress were real. Yoga was such a welcoming relief that I was curious to learn more and keep practicing. My yoga practice became a retreat from all the chaos and the perfect way to stay present. I practiced on and off throughout the years and became more steady as I got older.

I completed my yoga teacher training in 2015 and quickly became a full time instructor, teaching in the most diverse place in the world, New York City. Teaching yoga in rooms packed with so many types of people taught me one thing and one thing only:

Yoga is for everyone.

I mean, you read that in books, quotes and stuff, but you never truly know what it means until you’ve somewhat seen it in real life.

I was later introduced to Yoga Nidra and boy, was that something! I couldn’t believe the feeling – so light, yet present. I knew I wanted to share it and soon became a certified Yoga Nidra instructor. I sprinkled Yoga Nidra everywhere I could and soon it became the main focus in my teachings (retreats, YouTube, workshops…).

Everyone has a different experience when they first try yoga…

What was yours?

Fun Facts

  • I was born in the Dominican Republic, raised in Boston, and lived in New York for ten years. Most people can’t tell where my accent comes from and I think it’s hilarious. Go ahead, ask me: Red Sox or Yankees?

  • I come from a family of coffee farmers, and I’m a total snob when it comes to coffee. I like mine strong, black, and full of flavor. The best coffee I’ve had was in Cartagena, Colombia. 

  • Sometimes people find me online because they’re searching for stuff in “Argentina” lol.

  • I love dogs. Duh!!!

A Bit About My Background

  • I’m a 500-hour Certified yoga teacher, and I’ve been teaching yoga and meditation full-time since 2015.
  • I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Medical Technology (University of Massachusetts – Lowell), and a Masters in Business Strategy and Leadership (New York University).
  • Before yoga teaching, I worked in the pharmaceutical industry where I helped manage clinical trials for new drug development.


  • 500-hour Yoga Teacher Training, ISHTA Yoga NYC, 2015
  • Meditation Teacher Training, ISHTA Yoga NYC
  • Yoga Nidra Teacher Training, Pure Yoga NYC
  • Yoga Nidra and the Chakras Training, Mona Anand, ISHTA Yoga NYC